CargoBoss Shipping Cost from China to the Philippines

Shipping Cost from China to Philippines

CargoBoss Shipping Cost from China to the Philippines

We offer some of the most competitive shipping cost from China to the Philippines. We can forward cargo of any type, as long as it is not illegal (drugs, firearms, replicas, and the like).

Our rates for our services are all-in and pro-rated and are inclusive of the various fees you would expect with importing merchandise including customs taxes and fees, warehouse/port storage fees, important licensing permits, and documentation fees.

Here are our rates for shipping from China to the Philippines:

Full Container Load (FCL)

We offer Full Container Load (FCL) freight forwarding services. Our rates start at ₱275,000 and will vary depending on the commodity type.

For electronics (Mobile Phones/Tablets/Laptops), our rates start at ₱10,000/CBM, with an additional ₱300 per unit. This shipping cost from China to the Philippines is also inclusive of customs, warehouse storage, and documentation taxes and fees.

Less than Container Load (LCL)

CargoBoss also offers affordable rates for our Less than Container Load (LCL) shipping services. Our rates start at ₱10,000/CBM.

Orders with packages that measure less than 0.200 CBM are offered a fixed rate of ₱2,000. We only charge by total CBM multiplied by ₱10,000. For packages that weigh larger than 400 KG/CBM and above, the shipping cost from China to the Philippines is the total KG multiplied by ₱25.

Similar to our FCL rates, we have special rates for certain product types. Electronics will be charged at ₱10,000/CBM, with an additional ₱300 per unit.

These prices are pro-rated, all-in, and inclusive of customs taxes and duties, warehouse storage fees, documentation fees, and other fees associated with freight forwarding.

Pabayad Service

We offer supplier payment services via T/T (Telegraphic Transfers) and have partnered with a FOREX company that specializes in doing PHP and RMB remittances.

To avail of our services, check out our guide here. Once done, the processing of payments will be completed within 1-3 banking days.

By using our Pabayad Service, it ensures that the money will be sent directly to your suppliers quickly. You can also save on the transaction fees that are typical when paying using your Credit/Debit Card via Alibaba.

Less than Container Load (LCL)

CargoBoss also offers affordable rates for our Less than Container Load (LCL) shipping services. Our rates start at ₱10,000/CBM.

Orders with packages that measure less than 0.200 CBM are offered a fixed rate of ₱2,000. We only charge by total CBM multiplied by ₱10,000. For packages that weigh larger than 400 KG/CBM and above, the shipping cost from China to the Philippines is the total KG multiplied by ₱25.

Similar to our FCL rates, we have special rates for certain product types. Electronics will be charged at ₱10,000/CBM, with an additional ₱300 per unit.

These prices are pro-rated, all-in, and inclusive of customs taxes and duties, warehouse storage fees, documentation fees, and other fees associated with freight forwarding.

Why are our Shipping Cost from China to the Philippines the best?

At CargoBoss, we aim to make the process of importing products from China as hassle-free as possible. Part of that is offering the most affordable and competitive shipping cost from China to the Philippines.

That said, our rates have many advantages for our clients, such as:

Why are our Shipping Cost from China to the Philippines the best?

Shipping Cost from China to Philippines

No Hidden Costs

All the rates stated above, shown on our website, and given by our team are all-in and inclusive of the following miscellaneous fees:

  1. Warehousing Fees
  2. Consolidation and Port Fees in China
  3. Port Fees in the Philippines
  4. Freight Fees from China to the Philippines
  5. Customs Taxes and Duties
  6. Use of our Importation Permits and Importation Licenses

Working with CargoBoss ensures that you don’t have to deal with any hidden fees! Our shipping cost from China to the Philippines are wholly transparent, which helps our customers prepare financially.

Free Local Delivery in Select Areas

We offer free delivery for packages that are 3 CBM and above, and for clients who are located within a 29km distance from our Malabon Warehouse.

CargoBoss also offers special discounts for packages that are 3 CBM and above. Kindly reach out to our Facebook Live Chat Support for more information or to avail of these discounts!

Real-Time Shipment Tracking

Say goodbye to the stress and worry of wondering where your packages or shipments are. CargoBoss Philippines offers real-time tracking from China to the Philippines. We give regular updates on the status of shipments via e-mail.

Easy to Calculate and Book

You can easily calculate an estimated price with our freight calculator. Our team will also provide a quote on your order’s shipping cost from China to the Philippines once you have booked our services.

To request a quote, kindly send the following details to our Facebook Chat Support Team.

  1. Packing List
  2. Proforma Invoice
  3. Port of Origin
  4. Customer's Phone Number
  5. Supplier's Phone Number

Exact prices and a billing statement will be sent via email once your package has arrived at our warehouse. To pay for your shipping cost from China to the Philippines, simply deposit your total amount (indicated in the email) to our official bank account, and upload proof of payment here. Once we have confirmed payment, you can proceed to our warehouse to pick up your packages!

Import with CargoBoss today and receive the best shipping cost from China to the Philippines!

CargoBoss is a reputable and expert freight forwarder — we guarantee to take care of your packages in the most professional way while maintaining highly affordable shipping cost from China to the Philippines.

Contact our team to learn more about our competitive prices, efficient services, and any inquiries into how we import your goods from China to the Philippines.